300 Spartan Mission Partners
Atlanta is one of the largest and most innovative cities in the entire United States yet it is home to the most impoverished community in the Southeast. What an atrocity that this coexists in our iconic city. Why does God allow this??? HE doesn’t, We do! Once aware of the need in our own backyard how can we ignore it? It would stand to reason that if we do not sow faith, hope and love into these local impoverished children today then they more than likely will soon grow up to be the crack addicts, home invaders, rapists and criminals when our children are raising their Families here in the near future. The same hopeless children today can conversely grow up to be the next generation of Martin Luther King Jr.’s, Billy Graham’s, and Abraham Lincoln’s. We must do what we can today to vastly increase the probability of the later high road for the future of these innocent local children. If our government is not doing what’s necessary to eradicate this crisis then who will? We Will!
The Faithful Mission Partners of The Good Fight Foundation have committed over $1,000,000 of land at Canaan Valley Farm to Camp Solomon to provide ongoing mentorship experiences FREE of charge to hopeless children throughout Atlanta and the Southeast. Camp Solomon will empower countless impoverished local children to be transformed for the good through ongoing Biblical mentorship and life changing immersion experiences via our diverse Team of qualified Faith based role models. We are giving our time, money and resources to sow life into this worthy Mission Field right here in our own backyard.
Your Faithful monthly Offering will lovingly be sown into countless at risk local Children via supporting Camp Solomon and our Affiliate Partner, Operation Peace, with over 25 years of serving Atlanta’s At-Risk Children and Families. From Camp & Grounds Overhead, to developing our new Tipi Village, to our Youth Bathroom & Shower Facilities, to The Camp Solomon Conference & Learning Center, to our Canaan Wildlife Petting Zoo, to Sporting & Outdoor Activities, to ongoing Mentorship, we are an Open Book Ministry with a serious commitment to accountability, transparency and stewardship.
The Founders of The Good Fight Foundation and Canaan Valley Farm have invested Millions of dollars over the past 12 years to make this truly one of a kind “Garden of Eden” like immersion experience for Youth A Reality. Join Us and Fight The Good Fight For Those Who Cannot Fight For Themselves, Underprivileged Children In Our Own Backyard! Thank You For Your Generous Support! May God Return It 100 Fold!
Please Join Us! We are seeking 300 Faithful Spartan Mission Partners who are committed to sow a $300 per month Love Offering to help us radically transform the current status of homeless and abandoned Impoverished Children throughout the Southeast. Together we are committed to Fight the Good Fight for Those That Cannot Fight for Themselves. The Good Fight Foundation is a tax exempt 501c3 organization with the utmost transparency maintaining an open books policy. What better Mission Field than for us to sow directly into hopeless children in our own backyard? Together we will change the future by affirming our Faith through acts of love in the lives of countless innocent local children today!
300 Spartan Mission Partner Perks
- Guaranteed Natural Mountain Spring Water In Time of Need.
- FREE Access and Entry To Day Trips at Canaan Valley Farm Grounds and Events.
- FREE Access To Canaan Valley Campground (Up To 3 Guests Per Weekend).
- 50% Discount On Accommodations (Subject To Availability).
- Your Business or Family Listed as Spartan Mission Partners On Our Website.
- Monthly Updates To The Local Children’s Lives That We Are Changing.